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Counseling by Kaira Tarot


What Is Counseling?

Counseling in Tarot reading refers to the guidance and support provided by a Tarot reader to their clients during a reading. While Tarot readings can offer insights, clarity, and perspective on various aspects of life, counseling goes a step further by helping clients explore their feelings, concerns, and options in a therapeutic manner.

During a Tarot counseling session, the reader creates a safe and non-judgmental space for the client to express their thoughts and emotions. The reader listens actively, asks relevant questions, and facilitates a deeper understanding of the client's situation. The Tarot cards are used as a tool to initiate conversation, uncover underlying issues, and provide valuable insights.

The counselor may help the client explore different perspectives, challenge limiting beliefs, and identify potential solutions or actions to take. They may also provide emotional support, empathy, and encouragement throughout the process. The goal of Tarot counseling is to assist the client in gaining clarity, making informed decisions, and finding empowerment in their own lives.

Tarot cards can be a valuable tool in counseling and self-reflection. Each tarot card carries its own symbolism and meaning, and when used in counseling, they can help explore and gain insights into various aspects of life. It's important to note that interpretations of tarot cards can vary depending on the deck being used and the context of the reading. However, I'll provide a general interpretation of some counseling-related tarot cards:

  1. The Fool: Represents new beginnings, taking risks, and embracing opportunities for personal growth. In counseling, this card may suggest the need to approach situations with an open mind and a willingness to explore new paths.

  2. The Magician: Symbolizes power, creativity, and manifestation. It often indicates the ability to tap into inner resources and utilize them to bring about positive changes. In a counseling context, this card may suggest the need to recognize one's potential and take proactive steps towards personal transformation.

  3. The High Priestess: Represents intuition, wisdom, and inner knowledge. This card often suggests the importance of listening to one's inner voice and seeking guidance from within. In counseling, it may encourage exploring one's deeper thoughts and emotions to gain insight and clarity.

  4. The Hermit: Signifies introspection, solitude, and self-reflection. This card suggests a period of withdrawal and inner searching to find answers and understanding. In counseling, it may encourage taking time for self-care and introspection to gain a deeper understanding of oneself.

  5. The Justice: Symbolizes fairness, balance, and decision-making. This card often suggests the need for objective judgment and making choices based on fairness and integrity. In counseling, it may encourage considering all sides of a situation and making decisions that align with one's values.

  6. The Temperance: Represents harmony, balance, and moderation. This card suggests the need for finding balance and blending different aspects of life or emotions. In counseling, it may encourage seeking a balanced approach and avoiding extremes.

  7. The Wheel of Fortune: Symbolizes cycles, change, and destiny. This card often indicates that life is in a constant state of flux and emphasizes the importance of adapting to change. In counseling, it may encourage embracing change and finding opportunities for growth within the shifts and transitions.

Remember, tarot cards are tools for self-reflection and guidance, and their interpretation can be highly subjective. It's essential to approach tarot readings in counseling with an open mind and use them as a springboard for deeper exploration and understanding of oneself and the situations at hand.

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